
  • 姓名:彭子文
  • 学历:医学博士
  • 职称:副教授
  • 职务:应用心理系 副主任
  • 研究方向:儿童青少年心理治疗、心理疾病的神经影像研究
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱:pengzw@m.scnu.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址:365bet国际娱乐335室
  • 个人主页:


[1] Peng ZW, Shi F, Shi CZ, Miao GD, Yang Q, Gao W, Wolff JJ, Chan CK, Shen DG, 2014. Structural and diffusion property alterations in unaffected siblings of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0085663. (IF:3.73)

[2] Peng ZW, Shi F, Shi CZ, Yang Q, Chan CK, Shen DG, 2013. Disrupted cortical network as a vulnerability marker for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Brain Structure and Function. doi: 10.1007/s00429-013-0602. (IF=7.837)

[3] Peng ZW, Xu T, He QH, Shi CZ, Wei Z, Miao GD, Jing J, Lim KO, Zuo XN, Chan RC, 2013. Default network connectivity as a vulnerability marker for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychological Medicine. 4:1-10. (IF=5.587)

[4] Peng ZW, Xu T, Miao GD, He QH, Zhao Q, Dazzan P, Chan RC, 2012. Neurological soft signs in obsessive-compulsive disorder: the effect of co-morbid psychosis and evidence for familiality. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 39(1):200-5. (IF=3.247)

[5] Peng ZW, Yang WH, Miao GD, Jing J, Chan RCK, 2011. The obsessive-compulsive inventory-revised scale: replication and extension to non-clinical and clinical individuals with OCD symptoms. BMC Psychiatry, 11:129.(IF=2.891)

[6] Lam LT, Peng ZW*, Mai JC, Jing J, 2009. Factors Associated with Internet Addiction among Adolescents. Cyber Psychology & Bahavior, 12(5):551-555. (IF=1.591)

[7] Peng ZW, Liu SS, Cheung EF, Jin Z, Miao GD, Jing J, Chan RC, 2012. Brain structural abnormalities in obsessive-compulsive disorder: convering evidence from white matter and grey matter. Asian J Psychiatry, 5(4):290-6.

[8] Peng ZW, Lam LT, Jing J, 2011. Factors associated with social interation anxiety among Chinese adolescents. East Asian Archives of Psychiatry, 21(4):135-141.

[9] Peng ZW, Chen XG, Wei Z. (2007). Cryptochrome-1 maybe a candidate gene of schizophrenia. Medical Hypotheses 69: 849-851. (IF=1.3)

[10] Lam LT, Peng ZW, 2010. Effect of pathological use of the internet on adolescent mental health: a prospective study. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med,164(10): 901-906. (IF=4.726)

[11] Lam LT, Peng ZW, Mai JC, Jing J, 2011. The association between internet addiction and self-injurious behaviour among adolescents. Inj Prev 2009,15:403-408. (IF=1.4)

[12] Shi F, Wang L, Peng ZW, Wee CY, Shen DG, 2013. Altered modular organization of structural cortical networks in children with autism. PlosOne 8(5):e63131. (IF=3.73)

[13] Wei Z, Alcauter S, Jin K, Peng ZW, Gao W, 2013. Graph theoretical analysis of sedation’s effect on whole brain functional system in school-aged children. Brain Connect. 3(2):177-189. 

[1] 专著 中学生考前心理辅导手册,主编,世界图书出版社,20112月。

[2] 儿童青少年心理创伤干预指导,参编,人民卫生出版社,20095月。

[1] 强迫症及其同胞左右半球功能偏侧化脑机制研究,国家自然科学青年基金(81201049,主持。

[2] 强迫症患者及其一级家属的注意转换功能的研究 - 中国科学院心理健康重点实验室开放课题(2010K100118,主持。

[1] 2010-2011年度 广东省精神卫生先进工作者

[2] 2010-2011年度 优秀论文二等奖及优秀著作三等奖 广东省心理卫生协会